Jul 16, 2021
In 1979 Roger Waters wrote the song, Another Brick in the Wall ,for Pink Floyd. It was inspired by the experience Roger had growing up in a dysfunctional grammar school in which the teachers were more interested in keeping the kids quiet than teaching them. The wall refers to the emotional barrier he built around himself. The bricks in the wall were the events in his life which propelled him to build this proverbial wall around himself, and his school teacher was another brick in the wall.
This is what we do. The wall Roger built as a child was an innocent attempt to protect himself emotionally. While at the time it may have worked for that specific situation, the walls we build remain with us and later keep us from living our best life.
Fortunately, we have the power to remove the walls we once, so innocently, built. Doing the inner work to remove these blocks is essential to finding real passion and fulfillment in life. We carry everything we need inside of us like our connection with God, our wisdom from experience, our gifts and talents. We can also be carrying some excess baggage that is weighing us down.
Do you have any "brick walls" that need to come down? It is so helpful to work with someone who is dedicated to your healing. If you are a woman who is looking for a coach life coach to help you realize all you were meant to enjoy in this life, I am here for you. Just click here or visit the "Work with Me" page on my website.
Here's to you Finding Fabulosity!
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