Nov 01, 2021

 Here are a few signs that help identify narcissism in the workplace.

  1. It’s all about them.  They talk only about themselves and interrupt others; they highlight their own achievements, and they name-drop and call attention to status.  They require endless admiration.
  2. They take advantage of others.  Narcissists feel entitled and don’t feel bad at all for taking credit for others’ accomplishments or stealing office supplies; they have no conscience.  They believe they are special and that the rules or laws don’t apply to them.
  3. They tell lies.  Narcissists lie and believe their own lies.  This is why they are so convincing when they tell them.  They rewrite history in their head and believe it in order to make themselves feel good.  You can’t win an argument with a narcissist.
  4. They are charming and likable at first, but they have no follow-through.  They know how to impress you and say exactly what you want to hear.  They are very manipulative in order to get what they want.  They often create broken promises, unmet expectations, and disappointments.
  5. They lack empathy and a conscience.  They view others as inferior and undeserving of compassion or understanding.
  6. They hate criticism and take everything personally.  Narcissists love to put others down, but if they are even constructively criticized, they feel that it is a personal insult. They do not think the person giving the criticism knows what they are talking about and, therefore, disregard the criticism and target the person giving it.
  7. They play the victim and always have an excuse.  They take no excuses from others yet they are never accountable for anything.  They always have an excuse.
  8. They have passive-aggressive behavior.  Narcissists are often sarcastic, disguised hostile jokes (followed by “just kidding”), backstabbing, sabotage, two-faced, stonewalling, etc.  Their goal is to boost themselves up, knock others down, and get away with it.  
  9. They spread negative emotions.  They provoke negative emotions in order to get attention and feel more powerful by causing insecurity in others.  

Check out my blog: "8 THINGS YOU MUST DO IF YOU WORK WITH A TOXIC PERSON" click here.

I hope this is helpful to you.  Toxic people, narcissists, are dangerous to a healthy work environment, and even your health.

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